Our Unique Algorithms
Algorithm formulae are designed to be as applicable to as wide a range of people as possible, hence they cannot be highly accurate for every single individual
There are so many subtle factors that would affect the results of the algorithms. It is impossible to consider all of these factors and therefore, the results are based on reasonable estimates
The advice provided is only for signposting purposes and it is not intended to be binding on the user. User discretion must always be exercised
The advice on this site is not a substitute for sound professional advice, nor is it a replacement for a healthcare provider recommendation
The advice does not replace nor does it overrule any advice provided by your healthcare provider
SafeMindz admits NO responsibility for the information on the website nor within the affiliated links
SafeMindz admits NO liability for activities on the website or any associated organisations
We advise that you choose with care and to explore further in order to understand the dangers and benefits of some of the commonly described options. When you choose, do not allow desperation to cloud your sound judgement.